Resonance Balls
Resonance Balls are a unique creation of DG. They consist of a Love Ball in gold and platinum leaf on a hard wood base, with the usual addition of a resonance ring. The ring is made of twisted gold, silver or copper and is of an extremely specific length corresponding to ancient sacred lengths called 'neters'. Rings of wire, woven in this way, can generate extraordinary healing properties around them. DG combines the energetic templates he calls Love Balls with the rings' inherent properties to create psycho-physiological regenerative art, that impacts directly upon health and wellbeing.
Some people think this is total nonsense (especially the term "psycho-physiological regenerative art" which - admittedly coined only 4 seconds ago - certainly sounds somewhat dubious). Personally however, I think all this is magnificent and awe inspiring. I consider the Resonance Ball to be a high point of my artistic exploration, the fruition of decades of relentless pioneering. I would strongly advise someone who believes all this to be utter nonsense to avoid buying one at all costs.
Each Resonance Ball is prepared and protected by multiple layers of naturally formulated beeswax and Danish oil. A unique and secret formula is used that took DG years to perfect, affording these picture maximum protection while also enhancing the natural properties and visuals of the wood...
These pictures are unique, fascinating and bristling with intrigue. They contain gold, silver, platinum and technology employed by the makers of the pyramids. Some are painted in crushed gemstone! They contain gorgeous hard woods, oiled to perfection to bring out the deep intrinsic beauty of the wood. They are natural, organic and crafted to the highest possible standards. They are a miracle to behold and a joy to hold in one's hands. I'm not kidding. I really love these pictures and love making them!
Incorporating rustic edging for a satisfactory Earthen look...
Note how the Love Ball - always drawn spontaneously in ink during intense meditation - flows with the wood itself, incorporating itself amid the grain and the crevices in the wood, embracing the dark knots in the stunning yew wood...
The reverse of a resonance ball...
It is a mystery to me why not everybody is rushing to grab one of these luxurious, unique and utterly splendiferous works of art. It is perhaps fortunate that Google sequesters my website in the very deepest, darkest corner of the web or I would be worked off my feet! Instead I am sitting here sipping tea and conjuring pure undaunted luminescence. Thank you Google for your unremitting blessings!
If you would like a resonance ball, please contact me, I will do another series and you can have first choice, with no obligation to purchase. These are a very unusual and unique product that are considerable to make, so I will only make more if someone is interested.
A 10 x 10 inch would be £750 and a larger version £1200